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How to Stress Less While Dealing With Political Anxiety


Key Takeaways

01.  Over half of those in the United States admit to feeling political anxiety, and many are not hopeful that these feelings of stress will abate in 2024.

02.  The current state of the world has also led to Election Stress Disorder, which describes the intense anxiety, stress, and emotional distress people feel during election seasons.

03.  As politics and mental health continue to go hand-in-hand, a range of emotional and physical symptoms can develop as a result. 

04.  An anxiety breathing necklace like The Shift is an amazing tool for navigating political anxiety and calming down stressful feelings.

Using a Breathing Necklace to Navigate Politics, Especially Election Anxiety

In the past few years, politics has felt like the Wild West. And it’s not just in America. Citizens from countries around the world have spoken up about the negative emotions surrounding politics, especially during election season. With the divisiveness, lack of trust, and recent increase in violence toward candidates and citizens, it’s no wonder that so many people are struggling with political anxiety.


Chances are, you’ve felt stressed while reading a news headline or scrolling through social media. Unfortunately, politics and mental health have now started going hand in hand as the influx of governmental decisions and discord between parties has created animosity between officials and their members. With voting looming ahead for the United States this year, election anxiety can also be added to the list of stressors. 


If you’ve felt that anxiety begins to ramp up, and politics and mental health are starting to take a negative turn, it’s time to dive into ways to decompress and better manage those feelings so that the impact of chronic stress doesn't start manifesting as physical and mental symptoms.

What is Political Anxiety? 

Political anxiety is the worry, fear, or unease people experience due to the current political climate or events. It can stem from feeling overwhelmed by constant news updates, political conflicts, or concerns about the future of one's country or personal rights. 


In today's hyper-connected world, where social media and 24-hour news cycles are constantly feeding us the next “big shocking event,” it's easy to feel like you're on edge all the time. This anxiety often leads to a feeling of helplessness or frustration, especially when it seems like no matter what you do, you can't make a difference. 


We can look to surveys to indicate exactly how stressed we are as a society. This poll found that 51% of people admit that politics causes them anxiety, particularly about misinformation, election outcomes, more political violence, social division, and media coverage. Stress isn’t the only negative outcome– 20% report it causes them to struggle with depression.


Again, it’s not just in the U.S. A 2024 survey conducted in the UK by Headspace shows that 56% of people in the UK feel stressed when they think about politics too much, and 44% find it hard to switch off and avoid political news.


Unfortunately, the viewpoint for the future is similarly bleak. Over 75 percent of Americans feel politics are becoming more stressful in 2024. Is any of this political anxiety talk starting to ring true for you?

Election Stress Disorder: Hello 2024!

There’s also a subsect of political anxiety that has gotten so bad it’s been dubbed Election Stress Disorder. As you can probably guess, these particular feelings of stress are prominent during election time.


Coined by therapist Steven Stosny, Ph.D., in 2016, Election Stress Disorder describes the intense anxiety, stress, and emotional distress people feel during election seasons. It's characterized by symptoms like irritability, resentment, hostility, and "devaluing" other people’s perspectives and opinions. 


The 2024 election is bringing these feelings to the forefront again, as we are inundated with a constant barrage of news, social media debates, and political advertising. The stakes feel incredibly high, with concerns about issues like climate change, healthcare, economic stability, and civil rights all weighing heavily on voters' minds. This explains why 73% of adults surveyed by the American Psychiatric Association said they feel particularly anxious about the upcoming event. 


The pervasive nature of political coverage today makes it harder than ever to escape election-related stress, causing many to feel overwhelmed by the process. When you’re experiencing a constant onslaught of sensationalized headlines and stories, combined with the polarized and intense views of others online, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and begin experiencing election anxiety. Not to mention, just downright upset about the future. 

Why Does Political and Election Anxiety Develop?

Political anxiety often arises from a sense of having little or no control over the political landscape and the decisions that affect our daily lives. When we feel that events unfold beyond our influence, our brains perceive this uncertainty as a threat, triggering the body's fight-or-flight response. This natural reaction evolved to protect us from immediate physical dangers, but it can’t always determine what is actually a threat and what is not. The constant bombardment of political news, social media hate speech, and divisive debates can now be seen by your nervous system as a threat that needs to be dealt with, even when you’re perfectly safe and sitting at home.


The 24/7 news cycle and instant updates make it worse because we're continually exposed to emotionally charged content, reinforcing a sense of helplessness and keeping our stress response activated. The result of this ongoing stimulation? Chronic stress making us feel like we’re in a state of constant vigilance or alertness, even when there’s no immediate threat to our safety. 

Symptoms of Political Anxiety

Political anxiety can manifest in both physical and emotional symptoms, affecting your overall well-being. 


Emotional Symptoms:

  • Constant worry or fear about future political events
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Feeling overwhelmed by news or social media
  • Difficulty concentrating on tasks
  • Withdrawing from social activities to avoid political discussions

Physical Symptoms:

  • Headaches or muscle tension
  • Trouble sleeping or insomnia
  • Digestive issues, such as stomachaches or nausea
  • Elevated heart rate or palpitations

For some, these symptoms can escalate into panic attacks or chronic stress, making it hard to maintain a balanced, healthy and happy lifestyle. It can also compromise the immune system and damage multiple organs and tissues in the long term.


If you notice these signs creeping in while reading the news or doomscrolling through social media, it may be a signal that your body and mind are reacting to political stress, and it's crucial to find ways to manage these feelings effectively.

How an Anxiety Breathing Necklace Can Help With Political Anxiety

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of political news, an anxiety breathing necklace can be a surprisingly effective tool to help. Here’s how:


Promotes Calm Through Mindful Breathing

When exposed to intense political discussions or distressing news, you may start to breathe quickly and shallowly—a natural stress response. This shallow breathing can increase feelings of anxiety. A breathing necklace encourages you to take deep, slow breaths, activating your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming your body. It essentially tells your body that it’s safe, allowing you to relax even when things around you feel tense.


Enhances Focus and Emotional Awareness

Mindful breathing helps you stay grounded in the present moment, making you more aware of your thoughts and emotions. When political debates or news updates make you anxious, using a breathing necklace can help you focus on your breath rather than what's happening externally. This practice helps break the cycle of rumination and keeps you from becoming overwhelmed by stressful thoughts.


Supports the Development of Healthy Habits

Incorporating a breathing necklace into your daily routine can be a gentle reminder to prioritize mental well-being. Simply using it when you start feeling politically anxious can improve your overall calm. This small act of mindfulness can lead to other healthy habits, like taking breaks from news consumption, engaging in physical activity, or practicing meditation.


Portable and Easy to Use Anytime, Anywhere

A breathing necklace is a convenient tool that can be used wherever you are—at home, work, or on the go. It constantly reminds you to take a moment for self-care, especially during stressful political events or discussions. In a world where news is always at your fingertips, having a breathing tool that’s just as accessible can be a game-changer.

How to Use a Breathing Necklace for Political and Election Anxiety

To use a breathing necklace, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through the pendant. This extended exhalation stimulates the vagus nerve, calming your body and mind. Repeat this for a few minutes, focusing on the breath and the feeling of relaxation. 

Choosing the Right Anxiety Breathing Necklace

The Shift anxiety breathing necklace promotes calm by extending your exhale for over 8 seconds, helping you manage stress effectively. Made from durable materials, it’s built to last and resist everyday wear. 


To enhance the benefits, it also offers access to TKM: The Komuso Method, which includes a daily routine focused on breathwork, emotional awareness, and resilience-building techniques. This program helps you manage the mental strain from political anxiety and fosters a habit of calm and clarity.


Incorporating the Shift breathing necklace into your routine can reduce political anxiety, regain focus, and cultivate a more peaceful state of mind—helping you feel more in control, even during turbulent election times.

The Shift breathing necklace, so much good in one breath.


Other tips for success can include:

  • Creating boundaries around news consumption
  • Getting news from different sources
  • Taking a social media break
  • Engaging in physical activity
  • Spending time doing things you love
  • Establishing boundaries with loved ones regarding political conversations
    Prioritizing self-care
  • Focusing on constructive ways to engage with politics, such as volunteering or advocacy

Combine these with your anxiety breathing necklace to help you maintain positive mental health during this political season and those to come.


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