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TKM: The Komuso Method

TKM: The Komuso Method


The way we breathe controls a super highway of connectivity between your brain and your diaphragm. Komuso co-founder Todd teaches you in this course how shallow breathing leads to more stress and how slower, deeper breathing leads to more calm and control.

Make a habit of feeling better with minutes of practice each day. This course provides a daily formula to easily incorporate best practices in mental health and wellness. By combining breathwork, emotional granularity, and reticular activation, you gain control of stress and anxiety, and improve overall mental health.


The content in this course provides general information about breathing exercises, gratitude practice, and stress management, which are based on best practices in cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, Tod created this course in collaboration with licensed psychotherapist and Komuso cofounder Daniel Epstein; however, this course is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a licensed medical professional. Please consult with your medical care provider if you are experiencing severe anxiety or emotional stress, having thoughts of self harm, or struggling with substance abuse. Please do not practice breathwork while driving, in water, or while pregnant.

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TKM: The Komuso Method


Want TKM free?

When you purchase a Shift, you will receive a link to the courses so you can start your journey immediately.

Proven Science to help us feel better.

When you combine these best practices and make a habit of TKM, you then make a habit of feeling more calm and in control. With practice, you can build this feel better muscle with:

  • Emotional Granularity
  • Structured Breathing
  • Reticular Activation

What’s in this course?

TKM: The Komuso Method

TKM intro

TKM: The Komuso Method

Breaking the stress cycle

TKM: The Komuso Method

Name & tame your feelings

TKM: The Komuso Method

Preventative & rescue breaths

TKM: The Komuso Method

Neorupathways re-trained

TKM: The Komuso Method

Live the method

Start My Shift

We take 23,000 breaths and have 50,000 thoughts per day

90% of those thoughts repeat from the previous day. What are we doing about it?

Master the Feelings Wheel.

The average American can only describe how they feel with three emotions: happy, sad and angry. When you can expand this vocabulary and name your emotions more accurately, you can tame them. When you can take control of your emotions, you are able to make a habit of controlling how you feel.


Who is this course for?

The course is for anyone who wants help breaking the stress cycle and learning a simple and effective formula to feel better. Komuso cofounders Todd & Vanessa designed this course as a general introduction to the daily formula they’ve been using to help them stay calm and overcome stress and anxiety.

What ages is this course for?

The formula is so simple, anyone can follow along. We’re not experts, we’re not monks super well versed in meditation, we’re not trained breathwork coaches, we’re just a couple that wanted a way to better connect to our lives, and a way to overcome the stress that was keeping us from connecting. We keep this whole formula pretty basic and straightforward. This method is not super complicated. The secret sauce comes from the combination of these techniques, and the commitment to practicing them daily.

How long will I have access to this course?

FOR-EV-ER. Really, you can access and watch this course as long as you like.

Do I need a Shift to do this course?

No you do not need a Shift to participate in any of these lessons. The Shift takes the guesswork out of breathwork, but you can follow along without one. One of the more important aspects of the Shift is that it serves as a reminder. Because you wear it, because it’s always with you, it serves as an anchor to your calm space, and a reminder to breathe through stress.

Is it just one course? Or a bunch of courses?

It’s one course, with 6 separate video lessons, led by our cofounder Todd.

How long does it take to complete this course?

Each lesson is roughly 2-3 minutes, with the exception of the Structured breathing lesson, which is about 8 minutes because it walks through several examples of structured breathing. These are some big ideas, so we don’t recommend rushing through them. But, you could watch them all in a day and become an expert fast and start making a habit of this method immediately. And remember, you have lifetime access to this course, so you can always rewatch the videos at any time.

Do you offer any discounts?

The course is free when you purchase a Shift. Pretty solid discount, no?

What if this course doesn’t help me?

We offer a money-back guarantee because we truly believe in the power and effectiveness of this course, and in reviews we continue to receive from our community as they make a habit of overcoming stress and anxiety.